Sunday 22 August 2010


SMOKING HOT, is Eva Green.

I have mega smokers' health today. Not good. Hungover, AGAIN. I need to quit drinking so much and smoking so much when I'm drunk, cos when I'm drunk, sitting there and chaining away on rollies seems like a pretty fucking fantastic idea. Until, like, the next morning, when you're actually dying and your adrenal gland is going crazy. Along with a mad-ass pulse rate and throbbing, pounding temples.
Eeesh. . . me and Karis woke so early today. Wobbled around in agony for a good few hours, blinking like sick little crack-voles. But I ended up having a lovely morning anyway, chilling with my darling :)

Anyway time is the best healer, so it goes, and I can safely say I am no longer suffering (that much) from self-inflicted hangover torture.

If only cigarettes didn't fuck you up so much, else I'd be all over them all the time. They're so. . . deliciously. . .vile.

Adieu x x x

P.S Changed my mind about the "only posting twice a week" plan. I hate to put restrictions on this, it's meant to be creative. So I guess things will just happen when they're meant to from now on.

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